Welcome to Happya's Taster Sessions

If you're here, you're ready to embark on a journey towards inner peace and well-being.

Before booking your discounted session, take a moment to answer a few questions below. Your responses will help me tailor the session to your needs, ensuring you get the most out of your time with me.

Your answers are completely confidential and will guide our discussion during your taster session. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Secure your Happya Taster Session with Clare.

Limited Availability

Special Price £75

  • Discover Your Challenges

  • Explore Your Current Situation

  • Uncover Your Beliefs and Mindset

  • Visualise Your Ideal Outcomes

  • Reflect on Previous Experiences

  • Assess Your Readiness for Change

  • Share Your Insights and Goals

Embrace the journey, complete the form, book your appointment and take that step towards a happya you.


Spaces are limited, so why wait!

Once you have completed the few questions you will be directed to book your call where we'll answer any questions you have about what working together would look like and determine if we're a good fit to achieve your goals together.